Comments on Brisk

These are some (biased) comments on Brisk, a dynamic k-mer dictionary (Smith et al. 2024).


As is common these days, Brisk builds a dynamic k-mer dictionary using super-kmers, like e.g. SSHash (Pibiri 2022).

  1. It uses double-decycling minimizers for their low density.
  2. Super-kmers are clustered on their minimizer.
  3. A bucket is the set of super-kmers with the same minimizer.
  4. New: To store a bucket, super-kmers are written in ‘interleaved’ form: CBA___XYZ (with ___ being the minimizer) is stored as ___AXBYCZ.
  5. Even better, the minimizer itself is omitted, so only AXBYCZ is stored.
  6. For super-kmers with non-maximal length, like A___XY, N characters (I’ll use * for clarity) are used to fill gaps: **A___XY*, which is stored as AX*Y**.
  7. To search a bucket, we can usually narrow the linear scan over super-kmers to only those sharing a prefix up to the same N.
  8. Minimizers are hashed using a bijective hash function, and clustered into superbuckets. While minimizer-counts have a very skew distribution, these superbuckets have more uniform sizes.

Detailed comments


  • A number of paragraphs are missing the final s for nearly all verbs and/or have multiple ungrammatical sentences.
  • All citations are currently shown as \citet, but instead, most ought to be \citep.
  • Nothing is said about (not) supporting deletion queries.
  • One of the main benefits of the interleaved representation should be improved query speed, but this is never compared against competitors, nor against a version that only uses linear scanning.
  • (nit: I generally don’t see the point in uploading preprints with line numbers enabled.)
  • No DOIs in references :(


  • What’s the $\mathfrak N$-like mark in the author list?
  • exceptional throughput: This claim cannot be made without being more precise:
    • construction times are not faster than any of the competitors
    • query throughput is not at all compared to other methods
  • drop in replacement: but deletions are not supported, and it’s called a proof of concept.

1. Introduction

  • Footnote 1 runs off the page.
  • \(O(N.K)\) use \(k\) instead, and \(\cdot\) instead of the dot.
  • What exactly does it mean to use a k-mer dictionary in ‘streaming’ way?
  • It is mentioned CBL can use a lot of memory in the worst case because it does not build an SPSS, but neither does Brisk, in my understanding.
  • k-mer-level dynamism: it is unclear to me what exactly is meant by this. To me it would imply that individual k-mers can also be removed, but that is not the case.

2. Methods

2.1 Outline

  • can be built in streaming: missing word?
  • only encoding the prefixes and suffixes before and after the minimizer (Rouzé et al. 2023).: After a brief skim, I did not find this idea mentioned in the cited paper.
  • \(O(S)\) should be \(O(|S|)\)
  • What is large minimizers referring to?

2.2 Indexing super-k-mers

  • A simple scheme based on hashed $m$-mers achieves a near-optimal density of \(2/(k-m+1)\) (Groot Koerkamp and Pibiri 2024).
    • The sentence seems to refer to the random minimizer, which has a density of \(2/(k-m+2)\) instead, which is not near-optimal.
    • The cited paper introduces the mod-minimizer, which is near-optimal in specific cases, but has a completely different density.
  • It should be \((k-m+2)/2\) k-mers per super-kmer. Probably from here onward, every \(k-m+1\) should be a \(k-m+2\) instead.
  • In figure 1a, we show the mean super-k-mer size that can be obtained for standard values of \(k\) and \(m\), and observe that practical results closely match this approximation.
    • The figure does not show the theoretical prediction.
  • \(2(3k-m-1)/(k-m+1)\): it is unclear to me where this comes from.
  • In my experience, decycling minimizers are slower to compute then other minimizer schemes, but indeed, they do have low density.
  • Figure 1b confuses me:
    • in my experience, (double) decycling is never worse than random minimizers, while in the figure decycling sometimes is worse.
    • the caption writes Mean difference in … and hashed minimizer strategies. Should probably be singular strategy?
    • While comparing to random minimizers is nice, really it would be better to compare to some more of the schemes that are mentioned.
    • it would be much more clear to simply show a plot of density of the two schemes directly, rather than just the difference.
  • Since these minimizers can be selected in streaming with minimal computational overhead: the original decycling set paper (Pellow et al. 2023) does not provide code for streaming computation of the minimizers. It can be done, but it should probably be remarked how.

2.3 Lazy encoding

  • A brief quantitative comparison between the various bits-per-k-mer ratios in the paper would be beneficial to understand the tradeoff between the bits saved by not having to encode the minimizer, and the bits lost by encoding maximal k-mers only.
  • the reverse-complement of a minimizer is not necessarily a minimizer of the reverse-complement sequence, unless special care is taken. This seems to be assumed though.
  • How does ‘only consider canonical m-mers’ interact with decycling minimizers? I could see this requirement causing the decycling minimizers to behave much worse than expected.
  • A detailed worked example of this process would be beneficial, as many papers skim details on reverse complements, and so a proposed solution should be very precise.
  • Are there issues when the minimizer of consecutive k-mers is different due to the minimizer changing strands? Is the scheme still forward?

2.4 Probing

  • ‘given a given k-mer’
  • ‘A set of k-merS’
  • ‘in not trivial’ => ‘is not trivial’
  • ‘super-k-mer’ => ‘super-k-merS’ a few times?
  • ‘sorting super-k-mers as it is not a good idea’: ungrammatical
  • It feels like all trailing s’s were dropped here (it give most importance, this seem irrelevant).
  • The text first extends the minimizer on the left, then right, and then alternates. Figure 3 and 4 do the opposite and first extend right and then left.
  • I don’t think anything is said about how N characters are encoded/compared in practice? Using additional (masking) bits for this seems space inefficient?
  • we chose the base that base that are the less likely to be a N. This is unclearly worded, but it seems to imply that a single fixed character of ACTG is used as N? How is it chosen? In the incremental setting, the least-occurring character in the dataset may change over time. Probably it does not depend on the super-kmer?
  • ’this property do not grant’
  • Figure 4 shows the result of a binary search, not the steps of a binary search itself. (I’m assuming the boundaries of each shown block are bound using an individual binary search.)
  • ‘and end it .’ => ‘and ends it.’

2.5 Superbuckets

  • Figure 6 is terrible:
    • The legend is confusing. It should be sorted.
    • The y-axis is most likely logarithmic, but this is never mentioned.
    • The y-axis label should be ‘bucket count’, not ‘bucket number’.
    • The x-axis appears to be labelled as \(\log_4(bucket size)\)??? Is bucket size \(0\) really \(0\), or \(1\)? Are buckets with sizes \([2^i, 2^{i+1})\) batched together?
    • Caption is missing spaces around 11.
  • The text refers to \(2^7\) and \(2^{10}\), it appears that this is for \(m=13\), but this is not mentioned.
  • ‘bucketsPibiri’
  • C. elegans generates more very small buckets than teh random sequence. To me it seems to be the opposite, although the difference is small anyway.
  • Since the problem lies in the non-uniform distribution of minimizers, a simple solution is to use a hash function to achieve a uniform distribution.
    • It is unclear to me what this achieves. Permuting the minimizer buckets using a bijective hash keeps the distribution of sizes the same.
    • Since non-lexicographic minimizers are used, there should be little/no correlation between bucket sizes of lexicographically-close minimizers. So hashing the minimizers shouldn’t be needed anyway?
  • using a surjective function would .. allow hash collisions
    • This should say non-injective or so. The hash function being surjective or not is really not important here.
  • Figure 5: the AA: is weirdly line wrapped.
  • Figure 6 is referenced again, but this seems to have nothing to do with the current text. It appears the correct figure is missing.
    • Unfortunately, it is hard to appreciate the impact/usefulness of the superbuckets without this missing figure.
  • It is unclear what is the benefit of having a smoother super-bucket size distribution. Isn’t it more beneficial to simply have \(4^m\) smaller buckets directly?

2.6 Implementation details

  • It is unclear how minimizers are mapped to their bucket.
  • How are duplicate k-mers dealt with? What if a k-mer occurs in multiple super-kmers? How is a canonical location chosen, especially after new super-kmers containing the same k-mer are inserted?
  • Some (pseudo)-code would go a long way to explain what is going on at a high level.
  • Does every sort trigger inserting the buffered super-kmers into the sorted list? Doesn’t that move the entire list? Triggering linear time behaviour on every insert/sort.

3. Results

3.1 Parameters

  • Figure 7:
    • what is \(m\)?
    • For \(b=17\), memory usage goes up to 500GB, but the benchmark machine only has 128GB. This really needs a remark on virtual memory pages, but rather the real memory usage should be shown instead of virtual memory usage.

3.2 Multicore

  • ’the dictionary’: it was never explained what the main dictionary is
  • ‘substructures’: too vague to understand

3.4 Comparison

  • What are \(b\) and \(m\)?

3.5 Query times

  • nit: Random queries is not exactly the same as negative queries.
  • Why is query throughput not compared to other methods?
  • Fig 11: axes labels are too small.

4. Conclusion

  • Either Brisk is a proof of concept, or it’s directly usable replacement for existing k-mer dictionaries. Not both.
  • state-of-the-art throughput: again, query throughput was not compared.
  • Why can’t \(k\) be \(64\)? It’s not required to be odd.
  • any empty position with [a super-k-mer] are never filled: I do not understand what the empty positions refer to.


Groot Koerkamp, Ragnar, and Giulio Ermanno Pibiri. 2024. “The mod-minimizer: A Simple and Efficient Sampling Algorithm for Long k-mers.” In 24th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (Wabi 2024), edited by Solon P. Pissis and Wing-Kin Sung, 312:11:1–11:23. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (Lipics). Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
Pellow, David, Lianrong Pu, Bariş Ekim, Lior Kotlar, Bonnie Berger, Ron Shamir, and Yaron Orenstein. 2023. “Efficient Minimizer Orders for Large Values Ofkusing Minimum Decycling Sets.” Genome Research, August.
Pibiri, Giulio Ermanno. 2022. “Sparse and Skew Hashing of K-Mers.” Bioinformatics 38 (June): i185–94.
Rouzé, Timothé, Igor Martayan, Camille Marchet, and Antoine Limasset. 2023. “Fractional Hitting Sets for Efficient and Lightweight Genomic Data Sketching.” Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
Smith, Caleb, Igor Martayan, Antoine Limasset, and Yoann Dufresne. 2024. “Brisk: Exact Resource-Efficient Dictionary for K-Mers.” Biorxiv.