DSB 2023

These are notes for DSB 2023. They’re not very structured though. I usually find methods more interesting than results.

Day 1, Tuesday

Practical data structures for longest common extensions, Alexander Herlez

  • LCE: longest common extension: given \(i\), \(j\), the max \(k\) s.t. \(A[i, i+k) = A[j, j+k)\).
  • alg:
    • compare first k
    • if same: sample a subset and use black-box datastructure.
    • similar idea to minhash/mash kmer selection methods, same(?) as syncmers
  • string synchronizing sets (SSS):
    • rolling hash. sample a position when it has minimal hash in it’s window
  • https://github.com/herlaz/alx
  • useful for constant time LCE when extensions are length 1000 or longer. Not faster for shorter LCEs.
  • note: WFA uses this a lot and it’s actually the bottleneck, but really only for short extensions.

Pan-genome de Bruijn graph using the bidirectional FM-index, Lore Depuydt

  • Goal: graph of pangenome with correspondences to reads
  • Implicit graph by Beller and Ohlebusch: build on top of FM-index of concatenation
  • New in Nexus:
    • Bidirectional FM-index for bidirectional traversal
      • down/upstream neighbourhoods can be visualized efficiently using traversal
    • Search schemes for lossless approximate pattern matching (separate talk)
      • query -> candidate matches -> graph paths -> read paths
      • Lossless aligner; reports many more occurrences than PuffAligner, although this does make it slower for >0 edit distance
    • checkpoints k-mers inside long nodes
      • this way, to find the start of a long (compressed) node goes down significantly.
  • Memory usage: Bidirectional FM-index is >80%.
    • Bidir FM is linear in total size of pangenome.
  • Future: r index, which uses less memory.

Indexing large metagenomics projects with abundances, Pierre Peterlongo

  • Indexing read sets with abundance in <100GB with fast querying with low ram.
  • Uses counting bloom filters
  • fimpera decreases the overestimation, allowing less memory usage.
  • Once k-mers are sorted, all processes are sequential! 1000x speedup
  • instead of querying k-mers, store all slightly smaller s-mers and query all of them for much better false positive rates

µ-PBWT: Enabling the Storage and Use of UK Biobank Data on a Commodity Laptop, Davide Cozzi

Genome-on-Diet: Taming Large-Scale Genomic Analyses via Sparsified Genomics, Mohammed Alser

  • Building an index on spaced kmers/patterns
  • Only some positions are sampled. i.e.: sample every other basepair and build kmers on those.
  • Index is built on the fly; not preprocessed
  • to 2x faster and 2x less memory than minimap2.
  • to 50x faster and 700x less memory than other tools.
  • summary: subsample 1 in m bits and run minimap on top of that.
  • similar to spaced seeds, but additionally subsamples the number of kmers.
  • Faster and better accuracy than spaced seeds.

Spectrum preserving tilings enable sparse and modular reference indexing, Giulio Ermanno Pibiri

  • Spectrum preserving tiling: Given a set of reads and their DBG, we can for each read store location information per unitig in this larger graph
  • Use SSHash to store all unitigs.
  • Sample a subset of unitigs to store location information for. Non-sampled unitigs can still be recovered by querying adjacent unitig locations instead.
  • Main contribution: reducing space usage of the reverse index: mapping kmers to locations.
  • https://github.com/COMBINE-lab/pufferfish2

Towards a lower-memory chunked graph data structure inspired by Minecraft, Fawaz Dabbaghie

  • Chunk big graphs as in minecraft chunks.
  • First approach: split human genome graph in 1000 parts using BFS’s from random positions
  • Already big speedup!
  • TODO: simple idea and super effective. Maybe play around with this at some point

Optimal Worst-Case Design of Gapped k-mer Masks, Sven Rahmann

  • Gapped kmers are better in the worst case than normal kmers:
    • If you can make \(x\) substitutions in a length \(n\) strings, gapped kmers need a higher \(x\) to mutate (break) all of them.
  • Second optimization goal: count number of recovered positions, instead of number of kmers.
  • #########_#########_######### (27,29)-mer: in a \(n=100\) window, lack of such matches implies at least 4 errors. Normal 27-mers imply at least 3 errors.
  • boundary effects (changing \(n\)) are not super strong.
  • TODO: read old papers and see if this could be used for A*PA
    • How about inexact spaced matches?

Locality-Preserving Hashing of k-mers, Yoshihiro Shibuya

  • Mapping of kmers to \([0, 4^n)\) such that kmers with same minimizer are close.
  • Split mapping based on whether the minimizer is left-maximal and/or right-maximal inside its super-k-mer.
  • https://github.com/jermp/lphash
  • Less than 1.44 bits/element for large k (which is the generic lower bound).

Space-efficient k-mer counting using an implicit sequence representation, Miika Leinonen

  • Map kmers into a hashtable storing at each index:
    • count of kmers mapping here
    • the last character of the kmer
    • the index of the preceding kmer
  • Memory usage: 25%-50% of normal hash table
  • saves more memory for larger k.

VeChat: correcting errors in long reads using variation graphs, Alexander Schönhuth

  • Error correction using graph cleaning
  • Clean using repeated steps of:
    • remove edges with low coverage
    • clean edges with low confidence: the relative weight this edge has with respect to total weight of edges going out of predecessor or going into successor
    • clean isolated nodes and leaf edges
  • Up to 10x less remaining errors than other tools.

Fixing homopolymer errors in HiFi reads using dictionary compression, Diego Diaz-Dominguez

  • Encode sequence recursively using grammer based
  • Grammar compression is good on its own
  • TODO: read paper

Orthanq: orthogonal evidence based haplotype quantification, Hamdiye Uzuner

Day 2, Wednesday

Random Wheeler graphs, Riccardo Maso

missed it :(

The Graph Wheelerization Problem, Davide Tonetto

  • problem: Given a directed graph, color the edges so that it becomes a wheeler graph, with smallest possible alphabet size.
  • Properties of the bipartite graph:
    • All incoming edges in each vertex are of the same color
    • Edges of the same color do not cross
    • target-vertices are sorted by color.
  • Translate to bipartite graph variant.
  • applications:
    • Graph can be compressed into \(O(|E| \ln \sigma)\) bits.
    • Can help with adjacency queries.
  • Greedy linear algorithm can solve assuming total order is know
  • ILP formulation for general case.
  • Local search heuristic:
    • given an order, swap any pair
  • TODO: Wheeler graphs seem interesting from theoretical point of view.

Sorting Wheeler NFA’s using relational partition refinement, Bojana Kodric

  • Problem: Given an input- consistent NFA, compute an ordered partition of states that is consistent with some Wheeler graph, assuming the input is Wheeler.
  • Define forward stable condition, and then itaratively refine the condition.
  • Existing algo: Alanko et al. (2021), runtime: \(n^2m\).
  • Reusing partition refinement (Paige and Tarjan ‘87). => \(O(m\lg n)\).

Prefix-sorting strings on deterministic finite automata, Sung-Hwan Kim

  • Basically: A suffix array for DFA’s.
  • Algorithm: Use prefix doubling on the graph for min and max suffixes in each vertex.
  • Then, obtain interval for each point and use the implicit partial order on these intervals.

MARIA: Multiple alignment r-index with aggregation, Adrián Goga

  • Buils on MONI
  • lossless compression of dataset
  • finds maximal exact matches.

Approximate pattern matching using search schemes and in-text verification, Luca Renders

  • Finding all matches with up to some edit distance, ie to align 100-long reads.
  • tool: Columba
  • Uses search schemes: set of k searches
  • Reduce cache misses of Occurrences table by interleaving them per char.
  • In-text verification: once number of candidate matching is small, compare them in the text instead of the index.
  • Takeaway: Exact aligment can be as fast as approximate alignment using an efficient implementation
  • https://github.com/biointec/columba
  • TODO: Follow up on this and search schemes in general – very similar to all the things we considered for A*PA

Chaining of maximal exact matches in graphs, Nicola Rizzo

  • Algorithm for near-linear co-linear chaining.
  • Problem: symmetrick co-linear chaining with overlaps
    • Given a set of anchors between query and graph, find the longest chain.
  • Base paper: minimum path cover in parameterized linear time in \(O(k^2 |V| + |E|)\), used as bases for co-linear chaining algorithm.
  • New paper on arxiv

RecGraph: recombination-aware alignment of sequences to variation graphs, Jorge Avila Cartes

  • Sequence to graph alignment that allows recombinations
  • Defines displacement as measure for how large the jump is
  • Add new term to DP that uses the displacement
  • Finds recombination position within 5bp 98% of time.
  • >1 recombination is not implemented
  • https://github.com/algolab/recgraph

Exact string alignments to (E)D-texts, Nadia Pisanti

  • problem: aligning a string to an (elastic) degenerate string
    • algo: align to DS in O(Nd) using WFA with affine costs
    • algo: align to EDS in O(NW), W=|P|
  • non-elastic: all variants have the same length. WFA applies almost directly.
  • elastic: variants can have different lengths. Diagonal tracking as in WFA becomes more complicated.
  • MSA corresponds to elastic degenerate string
  • IDEA: How about banded alignment in elastic case?
  • TODO: WFA for partial elastic string alignment

Periodicity of degenerate strings, Pengfei Wang

  • Degenerate string here has only 1 char per set
  • Define strong/medium/weak periodiciy of degenerate strings
  • Some simple necessary conditions ensure that each \(P_s\subseteq P_m\subseteq P_w\) occurs in practice.

Deriving polygenic risk score using non-negative matrix factorization, Vu Lam Dang

  • Matrix factorization over positive numbers using ML
  • Can ’extract’ 20-40 features

Identifying antimicrobial resistance gene transfer between plasmids, Marco Teixeira

  • method to detect transfer of genes between different plasmids based of graph similarity

Ideas from discussions

  • inexact spaced kmers
  • search schemes for finding inexact matches by querying multiple exact matches
  • Banded alignment for elastic-degenerate string alignment.
  • WFA for partial elastic string alignment