Table of Contents
These are my running notes on implementing an algorithm for Longest Common Repeat using minimizers.
Coloured Tree Problem
See Lemma 3 at here
Generic sparse suffix array
- paper:
- code:
For random strings and \(b \leq n / \log n\), direct radix sort on $2log n + log log n$-bit prefixes is sufficient for \(O(n)\) runtime. In fact, since computer word size \(w\geq \log n\), we only need at most \(2\) rounds of radix sort! (See simple-saca.)
Sparse suffix array on minimizers
- Fix \(w\), the window length, and \(k\), the minimizer length.
- Find all minimizers. We expect a density of \(2/w\), and there is one at least every \(w\) positions.
- Radix sort the suffixes of length \(2\cdot w\) starting at each minimizer in \(O(2/w \cdot 2w \cdot n) = O(n)\) time.
- Use prefix doubling to resolve missing elements.
Discussion / TODOs
- Write kmer code to actually do LCR
- Bench against
- Solons papers on rotations instead of minimizers:
- Linear time LCS from SA:
- Minimizer-space suffix array?
- Fast SSA:
- First one round of radix sort
- Then comparison-sort on small context. (Or more radix sort rounds?)
- Then fall back to PA.
- Can we be \(o(n)\) and avoid hashing the full string? Maybe some kind of lazy hashing? (I.e. only cache parts of the hash that are actually computed?) Maybe in a lazy segment-tree-like structure, where nodes are only computed on demand.
- Binary search \(l\) for LCR length. (Try \(n/2\), \(n/4\), \(n/8\), …)
- Reuse minimizer for fixed \(k\), varying the window size.
- \(O(m + \log n)\) mapping
- Compute matching statistics: for strings \(A\) and \(B\), for each \(A[i..]\) the longest common prefix with some suffix of \(B\).
- Segtree for caching rolling hashes.
- Minimizer doubling
- Fir radix sort, only then sort unresolved suffices using minimizer doubling or PA.
- NtHash2 for longer hashes
- NtHash for minimizers
- Plot space/time tradeoff in \(l\)
- Plot space/time in \(n\)
- Compare to full SA/LCP construction algorithm