[WIP] Semi-global alignment, mapping, and string searching

In this post, we will look at the problem of semi-global alignment, as a next step after previous posts on global alignment.

In fact, we will quickly see that there is no such thing as ``just’’ global alignment. Rather, there are many variants that have applications in different domains.

Thus, we will survey the problem of semi-global alignment. (It seems that this hasn’t really been done before.) We will briefly mention some existing algorithms and literature, but we’ll mostly just go ahead and (re)invent some ideas from scratch.

1 What is semi-global alignment?

First: what is global alignment? Answer: finding the edit distance or minimal number of mutations between two strings. Equivalently, this is the problem of finding a minimal-cost path in the edit graph (or alignment graph), from the top-left to the bottom-right.

1.1 Global alignment

Figure 1: Global alignment goes from top-left (=start) to bot-right (=end).

Figure 1: Global alignment goes from top-left (=start) to bot-right (=end).

1.2 Ends-free alignment

Figure 2: Ends-free alignment as supported by WFA (and Edlib (TODO verify)) can drop some number of chars from either the pattern or the text, as needed.

Figure 2: Ends-free alignment as supported by WFA (and Edlib (TODO verify)) can drop some number of chars from either the pattern or the text, as needed.

1.3 Semi-global alignment

  • single isolated instance of alignment
  • single result
  • pattern and text of roughly same size
  • Length from 100 to 100k or more
  • eg: pattern was already roughly located in text. Just a final alignment to refine the result.
Figure 3: Semi-global goes from the top-left to bottom-right, but edges along the top and bottom are free.

Figure 3: Semi-global goes from the top-left to bottom-right, but edges along the top and bottom are free.

1.4 Text searching

  • find small pattern (\(m\leq 100\), or \(O(w)\) for word-size \(w\)) in a long (kB to MB) text.
  • \(O(n\lceil m/w\rceil)\) complexity is good enough.
  • Multiple hits possible: ‘best hit’ doesn’t really make sense
  • Return all hits below a fixed threshold
  • eg: search a small string in a file or repository
  • eg: searching tags/barcodes in reads
Figure 4: Text searching goes from the top to the bottom, and can find multiple results.

Figure 4: Text searching goes from the top to the bottom, and can find multiple results.

1.5 Mapping

  • find read (100bp to 50kbp) in a large static reference (MB to GB).
  • Avoid \(O(n)\) component in the complexity by indexing the reference
  • Approximate/heuristic methods
  • return all hits below threshold, or those that are close to the best
  • eg: short or long read alignment

2 Algorithms

2.1 Global alignment

2.1.1 \(O(nm)\) NW

Figure 5: (O(nm)) Needleman-Wunsch algorithm

Figure 5: (O(nm)) Needleman-Wunsch algorithm

2.1.2 \(O(2ns)\) band-doubling: \(gap(v_s, u) \leq t\)

Figure 6: (O(ns)) Ukkonen’s band-doubling test, or Spouge computation volume.

Figure 6: (O(ns)) Ukkonen’s band-doubling test, or Spouge computation volume.

2.1.3 \(O(ns)\) band-doubling, improved: \(gap(v_s, u) + gap(u, v_t) \leq t\)

Figure 7: (O(ns/2)) Band doubling with gap heuristic

Figure 7: (O(ns/2)) Band doubling with gap heuristic

2.1.4 \(O(ns/2)\) Edlib: \(g(u) + gap(u, v_t) \leq t\)

Figure 8: (O(ns/2)) Band doubling with gap heuristic, and using actual distances as Edlib does

Figure 8: (O(ns/2)) Band doubling with gap heuristic, and using actual distances as Edlib does

2.2 Semi-global

2.2.1 \(O(nm)\) NW

Figure 9: Filling the entire semi-global matrix

Figure 9: Filling the entire semi-global matrix

2.2.2 \(O(ns)\)

Figure 10: Filling only parts where the total distance can still be (<t).

Figure 10: Filling only parts where the total distance can still be (<t).

2.2.3 \(O(ns/2)\)

Figure 11: Filling only the parts of the matrix where the distnnace (g(u)) is below the threshold.

Figure 11: Filling only the parts of the matrix where the distnnace (g(u)) is below the threshold.

2.3 Pattern searching

2.3.1 \(O(nm)\) NW

Figure 12: (O(nm)) pattern search

Figure 12: (O(nm)) pattern search

2.3.2 \(O(ns)\) doubling

Figure 13: (O(ns)) pattern search

Figure 13: (O(ns)) pattern search

2.4 Mapping

2.4.1 Seed

Figure 14: seeding the map algorightm with k-mer mathces

Figure 14: seeding the map algorightm with k-mer mathces

2.4.2 Chain

Figure 15: chaining of seeds

Figure 15: chaining of seeds

2.4.3 Extend

Figure 16: extending seeds into an alignment

Figure 16: extending seeds into an alignment

2.4.4 Naive

Figure 17: simple (O(rnm)): (O(nm)) for each of (r) candidates

Figure 17: simple (O(rnm)): (O(nm)) for each of (r) candidates

2.4.5 \(O(rms)\)

Figure 18: simple (O(rns)): (O(ns)) for each of (r) candidates

Figure 18: simple (O(rns)): (O(ns)) for each of (r) candidates

3 The cost of chaining

Say we have a match ending in \((i_1, j_1)\) and another match starting in \((i_2, j_2)\). Set \(\Delta_i = i_2-i_1\geq0\) and \(\Delta_j=j_2-j_1\geq 0\).

3.1 max: Anchored edit distance

Here we pessimistically have to pay for every character not supported by a match: \(\max(\Delta_i, \Delta_j)\).

Figure 19: anchored-edit distance chaining: max of two deltas, and upper bound on actual distance

Figure 19: anchored-edit distance chaining: max of two deltas, and upper bound on actual distance

3.2 diff: gap-cost

Here we only pay a lower bound on the cost: \(|\Delta_i - \Delta_j|\).

Figure 20: gap-cost: lower bound on distance between diagonals

Figure 20: gap-cost: lower bound on distance between diagonals

3.3 dist: seed heuristic

If we are guaranteed to find all seeds of length at least \(k\), then we cross \(\Delta_i/k\) seeds without finding a single match, so that there must be at least \(\Delta_i/k\) errors. For simplicity, we can only consider matches that are aligned to \(i\) being a multiple of \(k\) (Groot Koerkamp and Ivanov 2024; Ivanov, Bichsel, and Vechev 2022).

Figure 21: seed-cost: distance between diagonals, always a lower bound on actual distance

Figure 21: seed-cost: distance between diagonals, always a lower bound on actual distance

(A seed here is a chunk of \(k\) characters of the text/reference, while a match is a seed with a matching occurence in the pattern.)

In a way, a match implies that ‘‘alignments that starts here have relative cost strictly below \(n’/k\).’’

3.4 minimap

\(w/100 \cdot |\Delta_i - \Delta_j| + 0.5\cdot \log_2 |\Delta_i - \Delta_j|\),

  • \(w\) is the average length of the seeds/matches.
  • small cost of \(w/100\) per char
  • logarithmic cost for some additional concave penalty for small gaps
  • Why \(w/100\)? Why not \(1/w\) which is more equivalent to what the seed heuristic does???

3.5 GCSH: gap-chaining seed heuristic

  • Max of diff and dist
  • transform-theorem:
    • only chain when cgap<=cseed
    • only chain when … formula

4 New: A*Map

4.1 Text searching

  • Do the full \(nm\) matrix
  • Return the bottom row and right column scores, so user can make a decision what to do with this
  • new: \(0\leq \alpha\leq 1\) soft-clip cost, generalizing ends-free.
  • new: output format
  • traceback from specific positions on request

4.2 Mapping

  • build hashmap on chunked k-mers of reference
  • find matches for each pattern
  • transform, radix sort, and then chain using LCP algo
  • say \(k=20\), then we have guaranteed matches if divergence \(\leq 5\%\).
  • But we want to avoid processing random one-off matches
  • So require at least \(10\%\) of the possible matches to be present, for a max divergence of \(4.5\%\).
  • Track dominant matches that start a chain of at least length \(10\% \cdot m/k\).
  • For each of them, do a semi-global alignment of a slightly buffered region of the text (around length \(m + 2\cdot 4.5\%\cdot m\)).
  • The alignment can be done using \(O(nm)\)
  • TODO: Better methods:
    • \(O(ms)\), adapted to semi-global (currently the code only does global)
    • semi-global version of A*PA
    • semi-global version of A*PA2
    • bottom-up match-merging

5 Early idea: Bottom-up match-merging (aka BUMMer?)

One thing that becomes clear with mapping is that we don’t quite know where exactly to start the semi-global alignments. This can be fixed by adding some buffer/padding, but this remains slightly ugly and iffy.

Instead, I’m going to attempt to explain a new approach here. Some details are still a bit unclear to me on how exactly they’d work, but I have good hope it can all be worked out.

5.1 Some previous ideas

Instead, we can use the following approach, which is a natural evolution/convergence of a few previous ideas:

  • pre-pruning (or local-pruning; I haven’t been very consistent with the name)

    The idea here is that a k-mer match gives us information that this seed can be traversed for free. The lack of a match implies cost at least 1. When a match is followed by noise, and thus can not be extended into an alignment of two seeds with cost \(<2\), we can discard it, because the promise that there would be a good alignment (ie, relative cost \(<1/k\)) is not held.

  • path-pruning (blogpost): if we already know some alignment, which is not necessarily optimal, we can use that to either find a better one or prove optimality: we can find all places at the start of a match where the heuristic is smaller than the actual remaining distance, and remove those matches. Again, these matches ‘‘promise’’ that the remainder of the alignment can be done in cost \(<1/k\), but we should avoid to over-promise.

    After path-pruning some matches, we run the alignment as usual, until the end of the original path is reached. Either the guessed path is then optimal, or the optimal path will have been found.

  • local-doubling (blogpost): a drawback of path-pruning is that first we must find a path somehow, and then we must run the alignment again with the improved heuristic. Local-doubling attempts to fix this by increasing the band of the alignment locally as needed.

    It gives nice figures, but I never quite got it to work reliably.

5.2 Divide & conquer

Another common technique for pairwise alignment is Hirschberg’s divide & conquer approach (Hirschberg 1975). This find the distance to the middle column from the left and right. There, a splitting point on the optimal alignment is found, and we recurse into the two half-sized sub problems.

5.3 Bottom-up match merging (BUMMer)

Initially, we have a set of many matches, including some spurious ones. As we already saw with pre-pruning and path-pruning, if a match covering 1 seed does not into an alignment of cost \(<2\) covering \(2\) seeds, we might as well discard it. Then, if it does not extend into an alignment of cost \(<4\) covering 4 seeds, we can again discard it.

A slightly more principled approach is as follows:

  1. Consider a binary tree on the seeds.

  2. Initially the leafs correspond to a k-mer (seed) of the text, and the matches for that seed.

  3. Then, we go up one level and see if we can merge adjacent matches. If so, we get a new match spanning two seeds, with margin \(2\) (because the two matches have cost \(0\), which is \(2\) below the number of seeds covered).

    Otherwise, it may be possible to extend a match of the left seed to also cover the right seed for cost \(1\), creating a match covering the two seeds with margin \(1\). Similarly, a right-match might be extended into the left seed.

  4. Because an alignment of \(2^{k+1}\) seeds with cost \(<2^{k+1}\) must have cost \(<2^k\) in either the left or right half, this procedure finds all such $2k+1$-matches by only starting with single k-mer matches.

  5. Eventually we extend our matches into a full alignment of the pattern and we’re done.

One core idea here is this: if you have a long run of matches, these build up a bunch of margin \(a\), that can then be spend by aligning through a region with up to \(a\) noise. In the end, the complexity will be something like \(\sum_a a^2\).

In fact, maybe this ends up exactly similar to A*PA, but faster because it doesn’t actually do the relatively slow A* bit. But I’m not sure yet; we’ll see.

Tricky bits. What I haven’t figured out yet:

  • We need to efficiently merge matches for consecutive seeds. Maybe a simple lower bound like the seed heuristic (that ignores the \(j\) coordinate) is good enough, but it would be interesting to see if we can design some algo/datastructure for efficiently merging matches.
  • Reconstructing traces from output costs: suppose we take a semi global alignment and run it once top-to-bottom and once bottom-to-top. Can we infer from this information the start and end points of all locally-optimal alignment traces?

TODO 6 Benchmarks of simple methods


Groot Koerkamp, Ragnar. 2024. “A*PA2: Up to 19 Faster Exact Global Alignment.” In 24th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (Wabi 2024), edited by Solon P. Pissis and Wing-Kin Sung, 312:17:1–17:25. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (Lipics). Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. https://doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.WABI.2024.17.
Groot Koerkamp, Ragnar, and Pesho Ivanov. 2024. “Exact Global Alignment Using A* with Chaining Seed Heuristic and Match Pruning.” Edited by Tobias Marschall. Bioinformatics 40 (3). https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btae032.
Hirschberg, D. S. 1975. “A Linear Space Algorithm for Computing Maximal Common Subsequences.” Communications of the Acm 18 (6): 341–43. https://doi.org/10.1145/360825.360861.
Ivanov, Pesho, Benjamin Bichsel, and Martin Vechev. 2022. “Fast and Optimal Sequence-to-Graph Alignment Guided by Seeds.” In Research in Computational Molecular Biology, 306–25. Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04749-7_22.