Here are some thoughts on POASTA (van Dijk et al. 2024), a recent affine-cost sequence-to-DAG (POA) aligner inspired by WFA and using A*.
Summary Link to heading
- Take a query and a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
- Align the query to the full DAG. It’s like global alignment for graphs.
- In fact I think the graph doesn’t actually have to be acyclic, as long as it has
a start and end. (When there is a cycle, the maximum remaining path length
is simply
- In fact I think the graph doesn’t actually have to be acyclic, as long as it has
a start and end. (When there is a cycle, the maximum remaining path length
is simply
- Do greedy extension of matches, similar to WFA and A*PA.
- Note that this is not as strong as full diagonal transition as done by WFA and gWFA (graph WFA for unit costs only), which only consider farthest reaching states.
- In fact, this is the first implementation of affine-cost WFA!
- It also uses A* with the classic gap-cost heuristic extended to graphs.
- For each point in the graph the minimal and maximal remaining distance is computed, and if the remaining query length is outside this range, the difference to get into the range is a lowerbound on number of indels.
- Greedy extension is applied (although this is inherent when using WFA).
- Suboptimal states in superbubbles are pruned using additional logic.
Background Link to heading
- Daniel: why is nobody doing exact banded alignment, i.e., simple band
doubling, for exact DP-based alignment. We are still not convinced that A*/WFA
is faster than DP, especially when divergence is not super low (
Review comments Link to heading
Fig 1 confuses me: (partly Daniel)
- What exactly does the y-axis mean? Is it like the other figures, with different branches at different y-coordinates?
- Why horizontal stripes but no vertical stripes? (Because there are many vertical edges but few horizontal edges?)
- What causes the bold triangles?
- Why is the bottom 250 rows of the graph so different? A vertical plot of the graph structure feels needed to parse this.
Figs 1 and 2 should mention the cost model parameters.
Match costs are restricted to be
. That’s fine, but for sequence-to-graph alignment this is a restriction. The argumenta cost model with non-zero match cost can be reformulated into one with a match cost of zero (Eizenga and Paten 2022).
is false. The argument only works for global sequence-to-sequence alignment and requires that the total number of matches/mismatches/indels is known, which it is not for sequence-to-graph alignment.
Instead of
it’s more accurate to say since POASTA do linear-cost alignment as well.I wish I could read the supplement somewhere :)
Def 1: feels cleaner to redefine
one smaller so the isn’t needed.Def 2: maybe remark again that this omits a
for affine cost alignment?Pruning around bubbles is cool! This sounds like the equivalent of the deduplication WFA does along diagonals, but extended to graphs. I did not verify the mathematical details yet.
A* in WFA space: there’s a difference between actually computing farthest reaching points, and only doing A* with greedy matching. Without dedupping f.r. points, some redundant work is done.
DFS Link to heading
This is basically just greedy extension observed and used before. I think Depth first alignment of exact matches is not an ideal name. To me, DFS implies more than simply greedy extension of cost-0 matches. This should be more precise, since one can’t do greedy extension into branches. It could be that the best branch happens to have a mismatch in the first character, even though another branch has a matching first character. And even then, it would be good to prove that this is allowed within unitigs.
Let’s do some citation hunting for who proved it first in the linear case.
In Groot Koerkamp and Ivanov (2024) we cite Allison (1992) and Ivanov et al. (2020), but don’t do any proofs ourselves.
(Marco-Sola et al. 2020) uses this in diagonal transition, but DT is slightly different from greedy extension itself.
Ivanov et al. (2020) cites Allison (1992) as using it and Sellers (1974) for the proof. This also mentions the Dox (2018) thesis.
Note that it only applies this if a graph node only has a single outgoing edge that is a match, and doesn’t provide a proof specific for the case of graphs.
Dox (2018): Section 5.6 cites Allison (1992) for the result.
Allison (1992) mentions in the introduction that if two strings start with the same letter, they can be matched and no mutation is needed, but does not give a proof or cite anyone. Afterwards it does some optimizations (that I don’t fully understand) to an implementation of edit distance in a (lazy) functional language so that (I think) it effectively becomes equivalent to an
banded algorithm or Dijkstra..Sellers (1974) does not seem to mention greedy extension at all.
Either way, my conclusion here:
- It would be good for there to be a dedicated proof that greedy extension is allowed.
- A proof that this is still allowed in the graph setting is definitely required.
POASTA writes:
In the presence of an unvisited match, we can ignore insertion edge .. and deletion edge …
Instead, Astarix only applies this in non-branching nodes, which sounds much safer. A proof is needed that the POASTA way is correct. In particular, from this statement it seems POASTA does consider substitution edges to other branches, which is important and should be remarked explicitly.
We assess whether a successor state
is a match; if it is, we push it on the stack to be processed in the next DFS iteration; when there is a mismatch, we append it to the A* queue. In the latter case, we no longer can ignore the insertion and deletion edges, so we additional queue insertion state [..] and deletion state [..].
This is unclear: ‘whether a successor state is a match’ can mean ‘whether
there exists a successor state that is a match’ or ‘whether a given
successor state is a match’. (The ‘
In case a match and a non-match exists, the substitution to go into the non-matching branch must also be tried, and indeed this is done, looking at figure 2.
What if there are multiple outgoing substitution edges? Is the
insertion state
Supplementary methods Link to heading
- Proof of minimum number of indel edges seems somewhat redundant IMO.
- Gap-affine gap-cost heuristic looks good.
Details of pruning Link to heading
Supp. Figure 3 is not very clear to me, or at least doesn’t seem to add much over 2c and 3e from the main text. (Those are quite good and I was able to ‘get’ the idea from them quite quickly. But what remains now is to very precisely understand the details.)
Figure 3 and the corresponding text could be more precise/expanded a bit. Pseudocode would be great if manageable.
(I’m just thinking aloud here.) A* roughly visits states in increasing order of distance from the start. In the seq-to-seq case, any two states on the same diagonal have the same heuristic value.
Now consider the seq-to-DAG case with linear gap-cost, with a state
that can reach states without indels. (I’m being a bit more precise rather than taking just the min and max .)First assume we’re not using the gap-heuristic. If all
have been computed and for all , than we can prune . If some is not yet computed or for some , then going through may be optimal to that . Since Dijkstra computes states in order of , if we prioritize states closer to the end, it is sufficient to simply check if all of the are computed. Because we order by distance, they will all have distance at most automatically, and we can skip . If one of the is not yet computed, compute and do not prune it. This is very similar to classic diagonal transition: if there is a farther point on ’the’ (here: all) same diagonal(s), then we can skip .When the gap-heuristic is used,
is the minimum over all .- If
is expanded, (first equality because of A* order, second by definition of ), so and we do not need . - Otherwise
is not expanded, so . That can mean two things:When
, the logic from before works, and this means that we must compute since it gives a potentially optimal path to .When
, in particular . This means that if we consider neighbours with the same but different , in one direction (farther away from the target diagonal) will go up by the gap cost for every step in that direction, which means that even if some was computed there, that would imply would also have been computed. I.e., this won’t happen. (Suppose with had been computed, then .)So, we only have to consider ’the other’ direction, where a state
closer to the main diagonal (i.e., with ) was already computed. I think that in this case the check (comparing with indels via ) as proposed is necessary to know whether has to be computed. But I think we only have to do this ’later’: we can increase to the smallest of an uncomputed , so that the check is effectively postponed and really only done when absolutely necessary.
- If
Evals Link to heading
- Ablation:
How much performance do you gain with each of the optimizations? Or equivalent, how much is
lost if you disable them?
- Without greedy matching? (Although this is such a simple thing to do there isn’t really a good reason not to do it.)
- Without the heuristic?
- Without the super-bubble pruning? (Does this still work/make sense when not using the heuristic?)
- Compare against Astarix? Which uses the seed heuristic instead of gap-cost heuristic. (But I’m not sure Astarix has a global alignment mode.)
- Daniel: Compare against abPOA? With 10% banding that should be great.
- In fact, it sounds like it should be straightforward to implement band doubling on top of abPOA. Would be good to compare to that as well. (Simply keep doubling the band
- My standard benchmarking questions:
- Were any other programs running on the CPU?
- Did the CPU run at a constant clock frequency? I.e., no throttling and/or boosting.
Discussion Link to heading
- Indeed in my experience, A* is up to
to slower than DP-based methods. This is why it would be good to compare to a DP-based band-doubling approach. - Extracting (long) unitigs may make code more efficient.
Code & repo Link to heading
- Code builds and runs.
- Didn’t check experiments.
- Code itself could use a bit more documentation