This part is based on two preprints:
SimdMinimizers, submitted to SEA25.
Groot Koerkamp, Ragnar, and Igor Martayan. 2025. “SimdMinimizers: Computing Random Minimizers, Fast,” January.
PtrHash, submitted to SEA25.
Groot Koerkamp, Ragnar. 2025. “Ptrhash: Minimal Perfect Hashing at RAM Throughput.” arXiv.
Further, the introduction of this chapter contains some unpublished experiments on high throughput computing.
The SimdMinimizers code was largely developed by myself, with contributions from Igor Martayan to support the NEON architecture. The paper itself has equal contribution from both Igor Martayan and myself.
PtrHash is my own work.
In this chapter, the goal will be fast code. Specifically, the goal is to solve some given problem as fast as possible by fully exhausting the hardware. In fact, the goal is not just fast code in itself, but provably fast code: ideally we can prove that, given some assumptions, the code is within some percentage of the fastest the given hardware could be.
We start by introducing a few common techniques to achieve speedups. For compute-bound problems, these include SIMD, avoiding unpredictable branches, and instruction-level parallellism, For memory-bound problems, the core principle is to optimize for throughput rather than latency. Some solutions are interleaving multiple queries using batching or streaming, prefetching, and doing cache line-aware optimization of the memory layout.
We also include some general background on benchmarking and optimizing code.
We show these techniques by optimizing parts of the SSHash $k$-mer index. This data structure takes as input a text, and builds a dictionary on its $k$-mers. It can then efficiently answer queries whether given $k$-mers occur in the input text.
The first step is to compute the minimizers of the text. As the number of minimizers is typically much lower than the number of characters in the text, we want this to be fast so that this ``compression’’ step is not the bottleneck.
Then, when answering queries, SSHash uses a minimal perfect hash function (MPHF) to find the index of each minimizer in its internal data structure. With PtrHash, we develop an MPHF that only needs a single memory access for most queries, and can answer queries nearly as fast as the memory can support random access reads.
Large scale text indices
More data -> faster algorithms
(not) latency
Text indexing.
SSHash (future work)
Both these problems are relevant for indexing genomic data, and specifically, they are both components of the SSHash $k$-mer index (Pibiri 2022).
1 Optimizing Compute Bound Code: Random Minimizers
We start with an overview of techniques that can be used to optimize compute-bound code.
As an example application, we apply these techniques to the problem of efficiently computing the minimizers of a sequence. There are many indices and tools using minimizers, such as SSHash (Pibiri 2022) and minimizer-space De Bruijn graphs (Ekim, Berger, and Chikhi 2021). In some cases, minimizers are also specifically used as a sketch of the text (Grabowski and Raniszewski 2017; Ayad et al. 2025). Specifically there, this ``compression’’ step of computing the minimizers can easily become a bottleneck, since all subsequent operations only have to operate on the much smaller sketched space. Thus, this is a classic compute bound problem, where the input is a DNA sequence, and the output is the set of minimizer positions or kmers.
A*PA2. Most of the techniques mentioned below are also already used in the A*PA2 pairwise aligner (TODO REF), which is also compute bound. It processes parts of the DP matrix in large blocks, so that the execution is very predictable and branch misses are avoided. It also uses SIMD (on top of bitpacking) to compute even more states in parallel, and exploits instruction level parallellism by independently processing two SIMD vectors at a time. It also uses a bit-packed input format to reduce the memory pressure.
1.1 Avoiding Branch Misses
Modern CPUs have execution pipelines that are hundreds of instructions long Thus, if one instruction is waiting for some data (from memory), the CPU will already start execution upcoming instructions. When a branch occurs, the CPU has to predict which of the two paths will be taken in order to proceed this speculative execution, since waiting for the condition to be resolved would remove most of the benefits of pipelining.
Thus, the CPU has a branch predictor that fulfils this task. Very much simplified, it tracks for each branch instruction whether it is usually taken or not, and makes a prediction based on this. Modern branch predictors can perfectly recognize patterns like taking a branch every 10th iteration.
When a branch misprediction happens, the CPU has to unwind the speculative computations that depended on the wrong assumption, and then start over with the correct sequence of instructions. In practice, this can cause a delay of 10 to 20 clock cycles, and can easily become the bottleneck for performance. Thus, we should aim to design algorithms without data-dependent branches, so the branches that remain are all predictable and quick to compute.
Application. For the problem of computing minimizers, we apply this technique by replacing the classic queue based algorithm for minimizers by an efficient version of the two-stacks method, that only uses a single branch every \(w\) iterations.
1.2 SIMD: Processing In Parallel
A common technique to speed up computations on modern hardware is by using SIMD, or single-instruction-multiple-data, instructions. The are for example 256 bit registers that contain four 64 bit integers at once, or eight 32 bit integers. The processor can then do arithmetic on all lanes in parallel, providing up to \(4\times\) or \(8\times\) speedup over scalar arithmetic.
In order to use SIMD instructions, we have to make sure that the input data is sufficiently homogeneous: we need to fill the lanes with integers that require exactly the same computation. And since these computations happen in parallel, they can not depend on each other.
Application. Unfortunately, the problem of computing minimizers is (locally) very sequential, since it requires taking a rolling minimum. To circumvent this, we can split each input sequence into 8 chunks that are independent and can be processed in parallel via 256 bit AVX2 SIMD instructions on 8 32 bit lanes.
Because we use a data-independent method to compute the minimizers, the data-flow and executed instructions in each of the 8 chunks are exactly the same. This is the perfect case for SIMD, since there is no divergence between the lanes.
1.3 Instruction Level Parallelism
Modern CPUs can not only execute many instructions ahead, but they also execute many instructions in parallel. For example, typical Intel CPUs can execute up to 4 instructions each clock cycle. In particular in very simple for loops, e.g., that sum the values of an array, there is a loop carried dependency, and each iteration depends on the previous one. Thus only one addition can be executed at a time, so that the CPU is not fully utilized.
One way to increase the amount of parallelism available in the code is by solving two instances in parallel. For example, to sum the integers in a vector, we can split it in two halves (or even four quarters!) and sum them at the same time.
Application. We tried to apply this to the computation of minimizers by splitting the input into 16 chunks, and then running two instances of the 8-lane algorithm interleaved. In this case, the gains were marginal. Probably the additional instructions increase the load on the hardware registers too much.
1.4 Input Format
Lastly, also the input format and more generally memory IO can have a big impact on performance, since highly optimized code usually processes a lot of data.
Specifically, the SIMD scatter
instruction, that reads 8 arbitrary addresses,
and gather
instruction, that writes to 8 arbitrary addresses, are often slow.
More generally, any kind of shuffling data, either by writing spread out over
memory or by reading from random parts of memory, tends to be much slower than
simply sequentially iterating over some input.
The input for the SIMD version of our minimizer algorithm is 8 streams of text,
that are initially encoded as plain 8 bit ASCII characters.
Thus, while we could read one character from each stream at a time, it is much
more efficient to gather
8 32 bit integers at once, each containing 4 characters.
In practice, it is better to read a full 64 bit
integer at a time, rather than splitting this into 2 32 bit reads.
Still that is not maximally efficient. For DNA, each ASCII character can only really be one of four values, \(\nuc{ACGT}\). (TODO NUC) Thus, each 8 bit character has 6 wasted bits. We can avoid this by first packing the input in a separate linear pass. Then, the algorithm itself can read 64 bits at a time from each lane, containing 32 characters.
2 Optimizing Memory Bound Code: Minimal Perfect Hashing
We now consider techniques for optimizing memory bound code.
As an application, we consider the minimal perfect hash function in SSHash. SSHash first collects all minimizers, and then builds a hash table on these minimizers as a part of its data structure. Building a classic hash table that stores the values of the keys is possible, but this would take a lot of space, since it has to store all the keys. Instead, we can use the fact that the data structure is static: the set of \(m\) minimizers is fixed. Thus, we can build a minimal perfect hash function (MPHF) that takes this set, and bijectively maps them to the range \(\{0, \dots, m-1\}\). Then, queries can use this function to find the right slot in an array storing additional data for each minimizer.
We focus on designing an MPHF that can answer queries quickly. Specifically, we optimize for throughput, i.e., to answer as many independent queries per second as possible. When the number of keys (minimizers) is large, say \(10^9\), the MPHF data structure will not fit in L3 cache, and hence, most of the queries will need to access main memory. Thus, this problem is memory-bound.
We note that code can be memory bound in two ways: by memory latency, where it is usually waiting for one read to come through, or by memory throughput, where the entire bandwidth is saturated. We should avoid being bound by latency, and instead aim to get as much work done as possible given the available throughput.
2.1 Using Less Memory
A first way to reduce a memory latency or throughput bottleneck is by simply using less memory. CPUs have a hierarchy of caches, typically with L1, L2, and L3 cache, with L1 being the closest to the CPU and hence fastest, but also the smallest. This means that if the data fits in L1, random accesses to it will be significantly faster (a few cycles) than for data that only fits in L2 (around 10 cycles), L3 (around 40 cycles), or main memory (up to 200 cycles). Thus, smaller data fits in a smaller cache, and hence will have faster accesses. Even when the data is much larger than L3, reducing its size can still help, because then, a larger fraction of it can be cached in L3.
One way to apply this is by reducing the size of integers from 64 bits to 32 bits, when this is still sufficiently large to hold the data.
2.2 Reducing Memory Accesses
A first step to reduce the memory bottleneck is by avoiding memory access as much as possible. Completely removing a dependency on some data is usually not possible, but instead, it is often possible to organize data more efficiently.
In particular, RAM works in units of cache lines, which (usually) consist of 64 bytes. Thus, whenever an integer is read from main memory, the entire corresponding cache line must be fetched into the L1 cache. This means that it may be more efficient to store a single array of structs rather than a struct of arrays if elements of the struct are usually accessed together.
Additionally, one should avoid sequential memory accesses, where the result of memory read determines the location of a second access to memory, since these can not be executed in parallel.
Application. A common application of this technique is in B-trees, which are balanced search trees holding a set of sorted elements. Classic binary search trees have an indirection at every level of the tree. B-trees on the other hand store \(B\) values in each node. This reduces the height of the tree from \(\log_2(n)\) to \(\log_(B+1)(n)\), and efficiently uses a cacheline by reading \(B\) values from it at once, rather than just a single value.
Our MPHF, PtrHash, internally uses Elias-Fano (EF) coding (Elias 1974; Fano 1971) to compactly encode sequences of integers. We introduce a CacheLineEF version, that overall uses a bit more space, but stores the information to retrieve each value in a single cache line. That way, we can still compress the data, while not paying with more memory accesses.
2.3 Interleaving Memory Accesses
As already discussed, CPU pipelines can execute many instructions ahead. This also means that the CPU will already fetch memory for upcoming instructions whenever it can. For example, in a for-loop where each iteration reads a single independent memory address, the CPU can fetch memory a number of iterations ahead. ahead.
More precisely, each core in the CPU has a number (12, for me) of line fill buffers. Each time the core requests a new cache line to be read from memory, it reserves one of these buffers so that the result can be stored there when it is available. Thus, the latency of each individual access can be hidden by doing around 10 reads in parallel. The result is then 10 times higher memory throughput.
This can be used by clustering independent memory accesses, so that they indeed occur in parallel. Additionally, it can help to have as little code as possible in between consecutive reads, so that the CPU can look relatively more iterations ahead.
2.4 Batching, Streaming, and Prefetching
One way to make the interleaving of memory accesses more explicit is by using batching. If we have to process \(n\) independent iterations of a for loop, and each requires a read to memory, we can group (chunk) them into batches of size \(B\), say of size \(B=16\) or \(B=32\). Then, we can first make \(B\) reads to memory, and then process the results.
To make this slightly more efficient, prefetching can be used, where instead of directly reading the \(B\) values into a register, we first ask the CPU to read them into L1 cache using a dedicated prefetch instruction. Then we process the elements in the batch as usual, and all the data should already be present.
A slight variant of this is streaming, where instead of processing chunks of size \(B\), we prefetch the data required for the iteration \(B\) ahead of the current one.
Application. We apply both batching and streaming in PtrHash, and achieve up to \(2\times\) speedup compare to plain for-loops. In particular, using these techniques, each iteration only takes just over 8 ns on average, which on my CPU, is very close to the maximum random memory throughput each core can have.
TODO 3 Writing High Performance Code
We end this introduction to high performance code with some tips on benchmarking, profiling, and estimating performance.
TODO 3.1 Benchmarking
3.2 Writing and Optimizing High Performance Code
3.3 DROP? Performance Metrics
We end this section with a summary of useful performance metrics. These should all be taken with some margin, as they can vary wildly between different CPUs. Still, they should provide a useful starting point for back-of-the-envelope performance estimates.
- memory latency
- throughput
- back-of-the-envelope stuff